Wool Soap


This specially high quality Lopi Soap is ideal to keep the quality and colors of the wool products even with frequent washing.

Lopi Wool Soap for wool garments and other delicate clothing. (Lopi Wool Conditioner sold separetaly).

How to use Lopi Wool Soap

25ml (2 caps) in 5 Liters of water (hand washing garments)

75ml (5 caps) for 4-5 kg of garments in washing machine (wool program)

Washing Wool clothes
Álafoss, Létt-Lopi and Bulky Lopi Wool:
Use only lukewarm water (30°C / 86°F) with Lopi Wool Soap (2 caps in 5L of water).  Soak the garment in the water for about 10 minutes, then wash gently in your hands and follow with rinseing gently and thoroughly in the warm water until water is clear. 

Finally add Lopi Wool Conditioner (2 caps in 5L of water) to the clean water and rinse gently again.

Do not rub or wring but gently squeeze the liquid through the garment. Dry flat, smooth the garment out and pull gently into right shape.

Plötulopi (unspun wool):
Garments knitted from Plötulopi are washed in the same way as garments knitted from Álafoss Lopi, Bulky Lopi or Létt-Lopi, except when washed for the first time do not pre-soak the garment in the suds. Wash the garment by squeezing the suds through the knitwear then rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water until water is clear.

Always use the same temperature on the water, from the beginning to the end (30°C / 86°F).